Are Bigger RC Helicopters Harder To Fly?

Flying an RC helicopter is a very thrilling experience, that satisfying and relaxing feeling you get is unimaginable. The pleasure mostly has to do with having control over something so powerful and exciting flying in the air. But what happens once you set your eyes on a bigger model? You might wonder to yourself if bigger RC helicopters are harder to fly.

As a general rule, bigger RC helicopters are not harder to fly. RC helicopters are easier to see when flying high, they are more balanced compared to small ones and suffer less disorientation in high winds. Although there are many types of RC helicopters to choose from, a coaxial RC helicopter is the best choice for beginners.

But is that all you need to know? Nope, there is more! There are models with different behaviours and functions. You will need to know which one will suit you best. We have come up with a guide to help you in making your decision. Let’s get to it!

Are Bigger RC Helicopters Harder To Fly?
Large RC helicopter on a table

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Are Bigger RC Helicopters Hard To Fly?

The truth is that any model of a radio-controlled helicopter can be hard to fly unless you have some previous experience. Only a newbie with no flying experience will find it hard to lift a big copter. However, it will eventually get easier to fly, but only with practice over time.

The beginning of the flying stage might be a little overwhelming, but, with time, you will get used to it eventually. The way to control a big helicopter is to understand how it functions. Different RC helicopters have different types of behaviours, and not all of them operate the same way. 

Hence, before you buy one, check how good you are at flying an RC helicopter. By determining your flying skills, you can get the appropriate model for you.

Understanding the types of helicopters is an essential part of the flying journey. Here are three different types of RC helicopters: 

1. Fixed Pitch

By the name, you can tell that the pitch of the tail rotor blades is fixed. It stays balanced when there is a torque reaction. The altitude of this copter is lost and gained according to your control of the speed and lift. 

Generally, most people start with a fixed pitch because it is easier to control the lifting of a helicopter. When there is no sign of wind, the blade is more stable and can spin at a slower speed and lift higher.

2. Collective Pitch

This type of model may be the hardest to fly, as the lift depends on whether the angle of attack gains or loses altitude. The speed of the engine and rotor blades are constant, and you cannot control the lift by pushing it to go up. 

It is the only way to control the lift on a bigger-sized RC helicopter. Hence, the best one to start out with is a fixed pitch. Collective or cyclic pitch can be a bit too much for a beginner to take on. For someone with more experience, they can smoothly fly the bigger model.

Related post: How Much Weight Can An RC Helicopter Lift? Let’s Find out

3. Coaxial

These helicopters have two rotor blades that function in opposite directions. The coaxial RC helicopter is easier to fly and control the lift for anyone with or without any flying experience.

The opposite rotation of the rotor blades hits back at the torque reaction and prevents the main body from spinning. 

If you’ve never flown an RC helicopter, my ideal pick is right here:

Cheerwing Under 12 RC Helicopter

Last update on 2024-06-10 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

I like this RC helicopter for many reasons. Its ideal if you have no experience with flying RC helicopters.

It’s small so it can be flown in an indoor space. The controls are very basic, with a bit of my help, my son got used to it very quickly.

I like the extra speed mode, this is ideal once you feel more comfortable with flying this model.

Don’t get me wrong, if you are a keen experienced enthusiast, you wouldn’t consider a model like this.

In my opinion, this is ideal for beginners and gives a great introduction into flying RC helicopters. It comes with two batteries, has a strong metal body and comes with some spare parts.

I haven’t crashed it yet, but I can tell by the look of it that it can take a few crashes and still keep going.

Check out the Cheerwing RC helicopter here on Amazon

7 Tips On Flying Big Helicopters

As fun and relaxing as lifting a massive RC helicopter is, it also says a lot about responsibility. You may feel superior to having something so powerful under your control just by the grip of your hands, but it takes a lot of effort to control it.

Anyone who wishes to fly a big helicopter must overcome a few obstacles on their way before taking off. Here are a few things you will need to consider beforehand:

1. Remember Your Local Regulation

Every city and country follows the restrictions and regulations on flying a radio-controlled helicopter set by their local government. So, check your local laws on flying and pick the spot accordingly.

The best place to fly any radio-controlled helicopter is in an open space with fewer people around. Not only will you enjoy flying it in the free space, but also you will avoid crashing your copter.

Related post: Can You Take An RC Helicopter On A Plane? Here’s All You Need To Know

2. Master Your Control

Playing with a joystick on a console is the same as operating a remote controller on a helicopter. 

Learn each of the buttons on the remote controller and how they function. Every button works differently, so remember and get familiar with every one of them. 

Getting familiar with the buttons is a big part of your learning experience and surely helps you fly your RC helicopter better.

3. Bigger Isn’t Always Better

Unless you are an expert at flying big radio-controlled helicopters, there is no reason for you to settle with one at the start. Lifting a big helicopter takes a lot to hold on to, and as the size of the copter gets larger, the harder it gets to control.

Hence, you will need a lot of flying experience before you get your hands on the bigger copters. You don’t want your precious big radio-controlled helicopter to crash or end up damaged somehow. Hence, to avoid any injury, you will need to get better at flying it.

4. Keep A Distance

It is a good rule of thumb to fly your big helicopter in a place with an open space. Always look for a clear area where your helicopter won’t collide with any objects like trees or houses.

If you are not an outdoors person, you can find smaller areas too, with open spaces for you. Fly your big radio-controlled helicopter freely and enjoy the entire flight.

5. Go With The Flow

Incidents like a strong blow of wind or loss of control over your helicopter will naturally occur, but you must stay calm. Go with the flow and assure yourself that everything is under control, and you will notice things getting back to normal soon.

If you start panicking, you will have a greater chance of losing control, so always stay calm. Be prepared for anything to happen during your flight.

6. Study Your Model

Every model works differently. Some have a flying time of fewer than thirty minutes, while others have five minutes. No matter the size of your helicopter, once you get to know the kind you are flying, you will be better at it. 

Get to know its length, anatomy, and the battery level it runs on, and check how far up it can go. You should always have a checklist before you plan to fly your copter.

7. Practice Means Progress

Training and learning consistently will allow anyone to master anything. Just like that, your wish to fly a big radio-controlled helicopter can come true once you master its controls. The key is to learn and practice flying, and that is how it gets easier.

All you need to do now is practice to fly a decent big helicopter. Train your mind, perform the basic moves, and practice them over and over again.


Hopefully, now you know the basics of controlling and flying a big helicopter. However, always keep in mind that flying safely means following all the tips mentioned above.

So, were you wondering, are bigger RC helicopters hard to fly? If so, we hope you found everything you were looking for. Thank you for stopping by, and happy flying!

Paul Good

This awesome hobby has something for everyone, whether you like to build your RC from scratch and keep modifying till you've got it to just how you want it, to track racing. You might be out with a boat, or perfecting your skills with a plane. Are you taking some cool pics with your drone? I'm sure my site will help you on your journey.

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